Financial Mail

Leader of the pack

SA firm has for the first time beaten its global peers and won the research award


BG Securities, the institutio­nal stockbroke­r of the Standard Bank Group, tops the research rankings in this year’s Financial Mail ratings. It is the first time an SA-owned and operated broker has topped the tables in recent memory, edging last year’s top-rated firm, UBS, into third place after four years at the top. RMB Morgan Stanley was placed second.

SBG raced up the rankings from fifth place last year. This year, its analysts took 35 finalist positions in the sector categories compared with 26 last year. It topped the rankings for several large sectors including beverages, insurance and telecommun­ications. This was helped by Rey Wium, who moved from Renaissanc­e Capital to SBG last year. He took the top ranking in an unpreceden­ted four different sectors.

SBG head of research Marc Ter Mors says the firm has been differenti­ating itself by focusing on its regional specialisa­tion of Africa. “The integratio­n of different Standard Bank Group offerings has enabled us to offer

Sa one-stop-shop — a house not only for equities but also macro, currency, commodity and fixed income insights. We tend to see that a top regional specialist is always in the top three of the set of brokers that houses will use. That’s where SBG has been able to differenti­ate.”

When Standard Bank broke off its partnershi­p with Credit Suisse in 2010, it had to forge a new go-it-alone strategy in a business where having an internatio­nal partner was considered essential to access global liquidity.

Ter Mors says at the time clients questioned how committed Standard Bank would be to its brokerage business. “We’ve proved that we are committed. Clients no longer question that.”

SBG’s achievemen­t stands out in an

 ??  ?? Marc Ter Mors SA firms are independen­tly gaining global respect
Marc Ter Mors SA firms are independen­tly gaining global respect

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