Financial Mail


- MD, Discover Digital

What’s your most treasured possession? My family is the most obvious one. But if you’re looking for an object, then I used to have an amazing mentor who sadly passed away a good few years ago. His partner gave me the Mont Blanc pen he had used for years. Unfortunat­ely, this went missing last year and I was devastated. My wife bought me a replacemen­t and I sign all my business deals with this pen — it’s a symbol of his invaluable tuition and my wife’s support.

What is the one investment you wish you had made, or made earlier?

Bitcoin — I think digital currencies will prevail in the future.

Which historical figure do you most identify with?

David, from the Bible. His victory over Goliath was primarily due to his faith and because he fought differentl­y from the style that was the norm. If you want to disrupt industries, you will face many establishe­d “Goliaths” with greater resources than you, and you will need to fight differentl­y and be sure of the originalit­y of your unique selling propositio­n.

What’s your top tip for doing a deal?

In any negotiatio­n, you must know your hard limits and your soft sacrifices. Importantl­y, know your price range, do your homework and don’t bark if you aren’t prepared to bite.

What’s the most interestin­g thing about you that people don’t know?

I was a test driver for Arrows Grand Prix in Formula 1.

What is your biggest regret? Taking my racing career for granted. I always wonder if I could have worked harder and gone further.

Nominate your eighth wonder of the world? Children. I adore children. We often overcompli­cate things as adults and forget to have fun with our careers. Children’s simple perception and ability to find the joy and playfulnes­s in everything (or at least until ipads disrupt their lives) is a wondrous thing.

What was your first job?

Pumping fuel at my father’s BP garage — I used to get great tips.

Who is your favourite hero of fiction? Macgyver!

What is the most overrated virtue? Diplomacy.

Is there such a thing as “enough money”? Yes there is, though I used to think differentl­y and wanted to rule the world. Your health and family come before wealth, so for me enough is being able to provide well for them and secure their future, educate my children in good schools and be able to take a few great holidays a year as a family. The problem is everyone raises the bar, so when you have what you want, you typically want more — but you can’t take it with you when you die.

What book should everyone read? by Simon Sinek — especially for entreprene­urs and those who have wondered why some of their businesses have failed.

Start with Why,

How do you deal with stress? What are your top tips for handling stress? Exercise, exercise, exercise, tinkering in the garage, and having a good belly laugh and a good night’s sleep.

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