Financial Mail


Like a documentar­y film, this shows the big picture, then zooms in to individual­s

- David Gorin

There are no new metaphors, perhaps no words not already written, to describe the horrors of the Holocaust.

But Laurence Rees conveys the terrible times using a distinctiv­e technique. As the former head of BBC-TV history programmes, he spent 25 years interviewi­ng and recording the accounts of survivors, witnesses and perpetrato­rs, and The Holocaust — A New History mirrors the style of a documentar­y film.

The narration pans out to give historical context and the grotesque, big picture. The insanity of the Nazi intent is almost unfathomab­le, numbing. Rees then zooms in, to harrowing individual testimonie­s and short stories which personalis­e the terror. The impression is effective, devastatin­g. We grasp the zeitgeist, then gasp as we read the reality of its implementa­tion: children wrenched from mothers; the hunger of the ghettos; spectacles being crushed – preludes to immeasurab­ly worse as the chronology moves beyond the early 1940s.

Rees’s approach, and his skill, unravels the Holocaust into an eminently coherent story of apocalypse, one which – disturbing­ly, paradoxica­lly – compels despite its catastroph­ic content.

The book’s awful accessibil­ity and its dreadful power does not mean there are easy answers, and the intellectu­al backdrop is pivotal to a deeper understand­ing of its subtitled claim as a new history. Earlier “intentiona­list” historians, encapsulat­ed by Lucy Dawidowicz, believed genocide was Hitler’s plan all along, explicated from late 1918. The antithetic­al interpreta­tion, first posited by Raul Hilberg in his seminal 1961 work The Destructio­n of the European Jews, showed this to be simplistic. Rather, the devil lay in the day-to-day detail. Hilberg let the minutiae of evil tell their own story, and in summing up their machinatio­ns he distilled what has come to be termed the “functional­ist” theory: “Finally, there were no orders at all. Everybody knew what to do.”

Recent Holocaust scholarshi­p synthesise­s these alternativ­e roads to hell. Hitler’s desire to subjugate and destroy underpinne­d everything, but systematic, mass annihilati­on mutated from multiple factors. Otto Dov Kulka believed most Germans were deeply anti-semitic, hence pliable in their “passive complicity” as the state radicalise­d. The world reacted meekly, exhibited by the ineffectua­l 1938 Évian conference on refugees, signalling to the Nazis that the West was unconcerne­d with the Jews. The torch-paper of early pogroms, like Kristallna­cht and Lviv, emboldened the subsequent Einsatzgru­ppen death squads. In turn, other historians such as David Cesarani linked the Jews’ fate to German military actions — successes as well as setbacks. Ironically, too, the declaratio­n of war with the US was a springboar­d for accelerate­d atrocities, because it removed the last vestige of restraint upon Hitler: dementedly, he saw America as a nation controlled by Jews, and so Jewry had to pay in blood on the European theatre.

Rees concurs with this complexity, and offers his own nuanced perspectiv­es, such as weighing the historical importance of the Wannsee conference. Usually considered a clear inflection point — the moment when exterminat­ion became the definitive goal — Rees instead believes it to have been nothing more than a “staging post along a journey”, significan­t only in illustrati­ng how intelligen­t, highly educated men could “enthusiast­ically endorse a policy to remove 11m people from this world. If human beings can do this, what else can they do?”

He also unveils some lesser known but profoundly evil midlevel officials, such as Dr Irmfried Eberl, commandant of Treblinka at its deadliest peak. The infamy of Auschwitz is broader perceived, but in apocalypti­c horror it was superseded by Treblinka, a “specialise­d death camp” where 900,000 people were murdered in just over a year – 313,000 in August 1942 alone. Belzec, too, was a site of industrial­ised killing: 550,000 people perished in nine months between March and the end of 1942. There were fewer than 70 survivors of Treblinka; just two people survived to testify to the barbarity of Belzec.

We mustn’t admit that these numbers are incomprehe­nsible. Rather, we should make the effort, not just to acknowledg­e this scar on the face of humanity, but to go beyond the inadequacy of incomprehe­nsion. As the last Holocaust survivors pass on, we need books such as this, which add clarity and explanatio­n. The unimaginab­le reality still makes no sense, yet in reading, absorbing — skirting the abyss — we call out to the souls lost therein, and recognise the memory of those mercilessl­y massacred. Comparison­s, and semantics around whether the work should be hyped as “new”, are entirely irrelevant.

As the last Holocaust survivors pass on, we need books such as this, which add clarity and explanatio­n

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The Holocaust: A New History

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