Financial Mail


But our gathering at a French restaurant in Sea Point was probably more fun because we were not fighting over positions

- @justicemal­ala

Iknow that Financial Mail readers are fantastic hosts. Plus, they know their way around a menu and wine list. I would jump at the offer of dinner with them at home or at some restaurant. But if an invitation had come through for last Thursday I would have very kindly declined. I would have taken Jacob Gedleyihle­kisa’s offer instead. Who would have said no?

The president had invited the seven people who are brave or daft enough to want to fill his shoes as ANC president to dinner. The pictures looked jolly: Baleka Mbete guffawing with Cyril Ramaphosa, Nkosazana Dlamini-zuma chewing the cud with Zuma nemesis Mathews Phosa, Zweli Mkhize having a wee word with a radiant Lindiwe Sisulu. Even Jeff Radebe, who hasn’t yet been nominated for the presidency by a single branch, was invited.

What did they eat? What did they talk about? We know Phosa thinks Zuma should be behind bars — and he has not minced his words. He told City Press: “Zuma is SA’S worst president since democracy.” That may explain why he was not seated next to Zuma.

What really concerned me, though, is that there was no wine on the table. Everyone had bottles of water in front of them. I understand why Zuma would want his own sealed water — when he gives a speech in Zulu he complains that he was poisoned a few years ago. When he switches to English he denies (as he did to parliament) that he has been poisoned. But no wine to smooth over the awkward silences? No Dutch courage — or is that just too whitemonop­oly-capital for the comrades?

On the menu was chicken or beef. I lie. Zuma’s right-hand woman, former SA Airways chair Dudu Myeni, was not there. So it was chicken or fish on offer, according to the Sunday Times, with steamed mixed vegetables. Looks like our future leaders are keeping an eye on the blood pressure. Good. No details on the drinks — but from the pictures

Sisulu may have had a Coke. Dessert was berries, with no details given.

Talk at the table was “unity of the movement”. I kid you not. These are leaders whose supporters are killing each other in Kwazulu Natal while calling each other comrade. There is no unity in the ANC right now.

Why did Zuma have the meeting? Methinks he is panicking. Ramaphosa is ahead in the election race. Zuma wants one of his supporters in the upper echelons when he leaves and has been punting the idea that the loser in the race should become a deputy president of the party. If Ramaphosa wins, Zuma can still have Dlamini-zuma batting for him when Ramaphosa calls for the president to be recalled. Crafty, eh?

The day after Zuma’s event I had a lovely dinner with a group of incredible people at La Mouette in Sea Point, Cape Town. This French restaurant has been going for seven years and makes some incredible food. You can go for the three or five-course menu (with or without a wine pairing) or the tapas at lunch.

I started with the pan-fried calamari with a dashi aubergine purée, fermented mushrooms and sunflower seeds, paired with the Kleinood Tamboerskl­oof Viognier (delicious, but the wine prices per glass are rather eye-watering in these tough times). My fish main was pretty good, though everyone else at my table marvelled at their beef fillet. I am not a dessert guy, but do try the lemon meringue. It’s outstandin­g.

A great night was had by all. It helped that we weren’t fighting over positions.

La Mouette ★★★½

78 Regent Road Sea Point, Cape Town Tel: (021) 433-0856

★★★★★ Pravin Gordhan ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Poor ★ Jacob Zuma

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