Financial Mail

Not sunshine and roses


It’s hard to avoid the suspicion that a company that slips out a trading update as the market closes on a Friday afternoon may not be overly keen on garnering the maximum attention.

Presumably the hope is that at that stage the market is more focused on grabbing a few of Charles Glass’s finest than on trawling through the Sens announceme­nts, and by the time everybody’s back at the desk on Monday morning something else will have come along to catch the eye.

This was the time that Sun Internatio­nal chose to announce that its headline EPS were expected to come in at a fat loss for the year, and to issue a business update that was an awfully long way short of being perky and upbeat. (See page 42.)

The gloom was attributed to challengin­g trading conditions in its SA and Latin American operations, with political uncertaint­y and weak business confidence in SA and low growth in Chile slashing disposable spending. Its Monticello casino in Chile was closed for a while after a customer dropped his life savings on the roulette table, pulled out a gun and shot a number of staff members.

Sun Internatio­nal has pulled out of Colombia and scaled down its operation in Panama, while its newly opened Time Square developmen­t in Gauteng has been trading well below expectatio­ns.

All this has meant that its debt is getting mighty close to bumping up on its covenant levels, and the group has announced a rights issue to de-risk the balance sheet and give it a bit of headroom to get the business back on track.

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