Financial Mail


De Lille blamed the ANC and DA; Ramaphosa passed the ball to Mashaba; Mngxitama walked back on his North Korea claim

- @justicemal­ala by Justice Malala

Imiss Pieter-dirk Uys and his alter ego, the “Ambassador to Bapetikosw­eti, Her Excellency Evita Bezuidenho­ut”. Oh, how I miss them! I miss Evita because we need a new saying. She once said that “hypocrisy is the Vaseline of political intercours­e”. Over the past week, her brilliant quip has been playing over and over in my mind.

It’s all because of what’s been happening in SA politics. There is so much hypocrisy going that on I honestly don’t know how we are going to get through the next few weeks to the election.

In politics, ’tis truly the season to dissemble with a straight face.

First there was the former

Pan Africanist Congress of

Azania, or PAC — the ones who used to shout that they wanted to drive whites into the sea. Then, later, we had Independen­t Democrats (ID) leader Patricia de Lille.

You’ll remember that after jumping out of the “going nowhere fast” PAC hotbed and forming the ID, De Lille swiftly took a job as mayor of Cape

Town and embraced the DA. She was DA mayor of Cape Town from June 2011 until October 2018.

So imagine everyone’s surprise when, as the leader of a new party called Good, she tweeted: “For 25 years, the ANC & the DA have failed to drive an integratio­n agenda in Cape Town. Look at Hout Bay. Ask the people of Imizamo Yethu how welcome they feel here. Ask the people across the valley in overcrowde­d Hangberg if conditions are improving. We can all do better.”

As I was saying, she was the mayor of Cape Town from June 2011 to October 2018. But I guess she wasn’t there to drive that integratio­n agenda

for all that time. Ho hum.

Then there was our fine president, Cyril Ramaphosa.

He was on the campaign trail, taking a (well-deserved) break from being surrounded by dodgy characters such as ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule. So he did things like go and address what the ANC refers to as its “white counterpar­ts”.

Really? I thought we were all South Africans, and part of a rainbow nation and all that. But, hey, it’s the ANC. Confusion reigns.

Anyway, while in Diepsloot, Ramarealm phosa was asked if he would go and address the people of Alexandra, who were rioting and asking to have a little chit-chat with him.

He deftly passed the ball to Joburg’s DA mayor, Herman Mashaba: “The people there [in Alex] have been complainin­g about issues of service delivery and are pleading with the mayor [Mashaba] to go and address them.

“Those are issues which are in the of local government and we urge the local government to pay heed and address the needs of our people.” But, but … the ANC ran Joburg for 21 years. Now the president wants Mashaba, in charge for just under three years, to go and account all alone to the people of Alex. Ramaphosa’s hypocrisy is as nothing compared with that of his fellow ANC national executive committee member, Tony Yengeni.

This “people’s leader” posted on Twitter a picture of some Alexandra residents with car tyres. He then wrote: “The people of Alex have spoken ... they want Mayor Mashaba to come to Alex ... The mayor has run away ... Those tyres are clean and nicely polished waiting for the mayor …”

Yengeni was encouragin­g them to necklace Mashaba. He should be jailed. It’s disgusting.

My best — or worst — bit of hypocrisy came from Andile Mngxitama, the little Idi Amin of the Black First Land First “movement” (there are only about seven of these racist bigots, but hey).

Mngxitama claimed that Kim Jong-un of North Korea had given him a suit and that, in a conversati­on with him, the little dictator had endorsed his party. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Confronted by a talk-show presenter on news channel ENCA, Mngxitama changed his tune.

“But did you speak to [Kim]?” asked the presenter.

“No, no, no, no. I don’t speak to him directly,” Mngxitama backtracke­d. I guess he speaks to Kim in his dreams. Anyone who gives this joker their vote needs help.

I can’t wait for May 8. Maybe the madness will stop. But I doubt it.

Mngxitama, the BLF’S little Idi Amin, claimed he had spoken to Kim Jong-un. Then he backtracke­d

 ??  ??

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