Financial Mail

Cindy Mathews-de Vries

- Discretion­ary fund manager, Glacier by Sanlam

If someone came to you tomorrow with R100m to invest in just one company, which would it be?

I would not put the money in just one stock but far rather diversify and invest in unit trust funds.

Do you own bitcoin or any other cryptocurr­encies? Why?

No. I cannot invest in something I do not fully understand and believe in.

What was your first job?

When I was in high school, I was fortunate to get a summer job in a furniture store in Woodstock.

If you found a lottery ticket tomorrow that had won $100m, what would you do with it?

Pay my debt, invest, give to my immediate family, travel the world and give back to the community by funding education.

What’s the best investment you’ve ever made?

Buying property just before I got married. The value has grown eight- to tenfold and it provides a stable monthly income.

If you could fix one thing in SA today, what would it be?

The education system. I believe that poverty in SA can be alleviated by educating our nation, especially our young children.

What’s the worst investment you’ve ever made?

Investing in a coal mining company I’d rather not name. It had been mismanaged and fraudulent activities had taken place. Then new management came on board and I thought this was a positive step. I’d done my research, but the company never recovered and the share price continued to suffer.

What’s your favourite song?

Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle, because it reminds me of my dad.

If you could turn back time, what would you change in your life?

I’d enjoy the now, appreciate more and express more gratitude.

On what occasion do you lie?

To prevent someone’s feelings from being hurt.

Name a place you’ve been to that lived up to the hype.

Bali — it’s tranquil, has a rich culture and is hospitable. The people are friendly and the food delicious. I was fortunate to enjoy time away there with my girlfriend­s.

What was your last purchase?

A bottle of red to go with dinner.

What travel experience is on your bucket list?

I would love to visit Europe for its art, museums and cathedrals.

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