Financial Mail

Meaty profit in protein


The champagne corks will be popping like a 21-gun salute for investors in Beyond Meat’s early May Nasdaq IPO, with the shares they had bought for $25 closing at an eyewaterin­g $138 on Friday.

The short sellers have started to raise the speculativ­e eyebrow, with one tweeting that the hype has become “beyond stupid”. But the story has captivated retail investors, who appear to be driving demand for the stock.

The California­n company makes the point that meat is just a combinatio­n of protein, fat, trace minerals and water, which it reckons it can replicate without going down the wasteful route of involving a flatulent quadruped.

Its boffins concocted a mixture of pea protein, canola oil, water and additives, and the end result has received excellent reviews from carnivores and vegans alike. The company is producing burgers, sausages and mince, and while an invitation to a vegan braai may take a while to get the thumbs-up in traditiona­l farming communitie­s, it’s going down a storm in California. Perhaps the most compelling story is the environmen­tal impact.

One of its burgers uses 99% less water, 93% less land and 46% less energy and produces 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than a traditiona­l beef burger. It says that 51% of greenhouse gas is a product of livestock rearing and processing, which suggests that sticking Beyond Meat on the Weber might make more of a difference than buying a Tesla.

Short sellers have started to raise the speculativ­e eyebrow, with one tweeting that the hype is ‘beyond stupid’

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