Financial Mail

Online broker expands to SA

Lynette Dicey


Thinkmarke­ts is also offering free webinars on trading, writes

uccessful investors and traders are usually those who have educated themselves about the market and how to take advantage of opportunit­ies.

One company looking to help traders do this is Thinkmarke­ts.

This is a multiasset online brokerage with hubs in Asiapacifi­c, Middle East, North Africa, Europe, South America and, now, Southern Africa. Internatio­nally it provides quick and easy access to a range of markets including forex, CFDS (contracts for difference) on equities, cryptocurr­encies,

SRidwaan Moolla … growth centre

commoditie­s, indices, futures and more.

The firm says it offers some of the most well-known trading solutions including the industry standard Metatrader 4, the next-generation Metatrader 5 and a platform developed in-house called Thinktrade­r, which won a forex community award as best mobile platform in 2012.

Locally, it offers the full global product range and several SA products including currency pairs such as dollarrand, pound-rand and eurorand, as well as CFD indices and equity derivative­s traded on the JSE.

As part of its efforts to ensure clients are constantly upskilling themselves, Thinkmarke­ts has been offering free high-level webinar education events to current clients and interested parties during May.

These free webinars will continue to be offered in June and July with four trading masterclas­ses facilitate­d by trading coach and market commentato­r Simon Brown.

The masterclas­ses focus on thought leadership, derivative­s, how to improve a trading-win ratio and how to make the most of the Thinkmarke­ts trading platform.

“From a regional perspectiv­e we are confident SA is a future growth centre into Africa for Thinkmarke­ts,” says Ridwaan Moolla, the company’s regional director SA.

Adds CEO Faizan Anees: “The decision to extend Thinkmarke­ts’ global footprint to SA demonstrat­es the confidence we have in this region and is reflective of our longterm vision and plans to be a leading participan­t in the country’s growing financial services sector.”

Thinkmarke­ts says it has purchased insurance cover that provides investors with individual protection and compensati­on of up to $1m in the event of insolvency.

The firm is authorised and regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in SA and its equivalent­s in the UK and Australia.

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