Financial Mail


Zimbabwe got where it is now because spineless SA leaders, from Mbeki to Ramaphosa, empowered a murderous regime

- @justicemal­ala by Justice Malala

Sometimes, as a person or a country, you draw the short straw. You could be living in an upand-coming country like Brazil, for example, with hopes for a great future and some prosperity, only to have a rightwing narcissist like Jair Bolsonaro be elected president — and all your hopes of a bright future are dashed. A great country, poor leadership. The only question there is whether the country can survive a bad leader. rest of the world are hopeful we can change a bad system, or that we can get rid of a poor leader, Zimbabwe is a country that seems to have neither the ability nor the will nor the hope of escaping its shackles. Let’s not beat about the bush here. The country to the north of us is a failed state at every level you can imagine. And we, from Thabo Mbeki to Zuma and now Ramaphosa, have helped its looters along very nicely for the past 20 years. Indeed, the ANC has been applauding as that country’s elite has looted and plundered.

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