Financial Mail


Founder and CEO: Mobiz


What’s your one top tip for doing a deal? Undoubtedl­y, to listen. Make sure you spend more time trying to understand a customer’s pain point than trying to “sell” and close a sale.

What was your first job?

I was a clothing store clerk during my first year at university. Most of my time was spent dealing with stinky shoes, and being a bit of a bodyguard for shoplifter­s.

How much was your first pay cheque, and how did you spend it?

It was tiny — R250. I ended up spending it on petrol to get to work! I still don’t know what I was thinking, but at the time it felt worth it.

What is the one thing you wish somebody had told you when you were starting out? Don’t rush. Take time to find out what makes you happy in life.

If you could fix only one thing in SA, what would it be?

Education. We have a skills and unemployme­nt crisis that our primarythr­ough to tertiary-level institutio­ns are not addressing adequately.

What’s the most interestin­g thing about you that people don’t know?

I’m an ex-gamer. And I say “ex” because I’m a new dad. But I sometimes manage to sneak in a bit of gaming time so I can keep up with our gaming Slack channel at Mobiz.

What is the one investment you wish you had made, or made earlier?

I really wish I’d learnt about the value of capital earlier, to be honest.

What is the hardest life lesson you’ve learnt? Focus on what you should do, instead of what you shouldn’t do.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Patience.

What is something you’d go back and tell your younger self that would impress them? One day, Greg, you’re going to be in a very happy marriage with a very supportive wife.

Was there ever a point at which you wanted to trade it all in for a different career? And if so, what would that career be?

If I had to, I’d consider medicine. Doctors have to solve the most important and direct problems.

If you were President Cyril Ramaphosa, what would you change, or do, tomorrow? First thing: improve tax laws to provide an incentive for foreign investment into SA. Address the education crisis. Then have a KitKat.

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