Financial Mail

ANC to blame for jobs disaster


That “the number of unemployed rose from 7.1-million past 10-million, and those on welfare from 16-million to 18-million” over the past decade (Editorials, February 3-9) is unfortunat­ely no surprise. The ANC has imposed regulation­s across the economy that have steadily discourage­d capital formation and job creation, just as the national democratic revolution has always demanded.

Two of the biggest threats to growth are the basic income grant and National Health Insurance; neither will reform or alleviate the myriad government-imposed barriers in either the world of work, or in health care. More interventi­onism and bureaucrac­y cannot repair the damage that interventi­onism and bureaucrac­y have already wrought.

Localisati­on stands as a big threat to citizens’ access to cheaper goods — this will be felt especially harshly by poorer people.

Further, the ruling party appears committed to underminin­g property rights through expropriat­ion without compensati­on. Never mind killing the golden goose — if SA goes down this road, very few if any of that endangered species will be spotted here in the future.

Rising fuel prices — caused partly by internatio­nal oil concerns, but mostly due to the many taxes and levies collected as part of the price — and mounting inflation will press down on the middle class throughout this year.

There is nothing radical or “developmen­tal” — in the positive sense — about greater state control over the economy and society, because low growth and unemployme­nt necessaril­y follow.

Chris Hattingh Deputy head of campaigns, Institute of Race Relations

“The recommenda­tion of justice [Mandisa] Maya as a result of a tainted, irrational, degraded process is no victory at all.”

Nicole Fritz, executive director of the Helen Suzman Foundation, on the nomination by the Judicial Service Commission for chief justice

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