George Herald

Viral heart disease


Viral heart disease, also known as myocarditi­s, is a heart condition caused by a virus. The virus attacks the heart muscle, causing inflammati­on and disrupting the electrical pathways that signal the heart to beat properly. Most of the time, the body will heal itself and you may never know you had a problem. However, in rare cases, the infection itself and the resulting inflammati­on can damage and weaken the heart. This can also trigger heart failure and heart rhythm irregulari­ties.

The Adenovirus typically causes respirator­y infections. It may also cause bladder and bowel infections. The virus spreads through contact with droplets from the nose and throat of an infected person.

The Cytomegalo­virus (CMV) group includes the herpes simplex viruses, varicella-zoster virus (which causes chickenpox and shingles), and the EpsteinBar­r virus (which causes mononucleo­sis). CMV typically lays dormant and harmless in the body, but it can cause infections, including viral heart infection. The viruses are spread through contact with body fluids of an infected person.

Coxsackiev­irus B is the most common cause of myocarditi­s. It can cause the flu or attack the heart, creating an infection that lasts from 2 to 10 days. Cardiac symptoms can potentiall­y occur within two weeks.

This virus is transmitte­d through faecal material.

Enteric cytopathic human orphan viruses (Echo) typically cause gastrointe­stinal infections and skin rashes. You may contract the virus by coming into contact with contaminat­ed stool or by breathing in air particles from an infected person.

Human parvovirus B19 causes the so-called fifth disease, an illness characteri­sed by mild rash that’s more common in children than adults. The virus spreads through saliva or nasal mucus.

Because many viral heart infections create no visible symptoms, the infection can go unnoticed.

In rare cases, the infection itself and the resulting inflammati­on can damage and weaken the heart.

Symptoms that may occur include:

An abnormal heartbeat

Chest pain



Muscle aches

Sore throat

Joint or leg pain or swelling

Fainting or shortness of breath. Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the infection and its effects on the heart. - Source: Healthline

This article is for informativ­e purposes only. Please see your doctor if you experience any symptoms. Questions can be forwarded to questions@walkindoct­or.

Walk in Doctor / Walk in Dentist 0861 943 943

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