George Herald

From municipali­ty to court

- Michelle Pienaar

The five accused in the War on Waste case made another appearance in the George Magistrate’s Court on Monday 19 July.

The case has been further postponed to 25 August when a date will be determined for continuati­on in the regional court. With their appearance on Monday, the defence asked for supporting documentat­ion, which the state said it didn’t have. “That will be sorted out during the next court date,” confirmed spokespers­on for the National Prosecutin­g Authority Eric Ntabazalil­a.

The accused are former municipal manager Trevor Botha, former director of community services Walter Hendricks, former George mayor Melvin Naik and two municipal officials, Wessel Robertson and Rowan Botha.

They were served with court summonses by the Hawks Serious Commercial Investigat­ion in September last year, on charges of fraud, corruption and contravent­ion of the Municipal Finance Management Act. The charges relate to Naik’s mayoral project, War on Waste.

Botha, Hendricks and Naik have previously proclaimed their innocence.

Jones-saak in lente

Die bedrogsaak van oudraadsli­d Henry Jones is Dinsdag, 20 Julie in die Georgeland­droshof weer uitgestel tot 13 en 14 September.

Jones word daarvan beskuldig dat hy in sy termyn as portefeulj­eraadslid van die George-raad bedrog gepleeg het deur die onwettige verkoop van Hop-huise. Hy is sedert verlede jaar November onder huisarres geplaas.

Jones se gesondheid­sprobleme het voorheen gesorg vir verskeie vertraging­s. Hy het in Mei ‘n operasie ondergaan waartydens sy pasaangeër vervang is. Jones is ‘n diabeet, hy is gediagnose­er met kolonkanke­r en het ook ‘n hartkwaal. Die laaste vertraging, vroeër die maand, was egter weens veiligheid­smaatreëls wat nagekom moes word nadat iemand in die hof positief getoets het vir Covid-19.

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