Getaway (South Africa)


Sonya Schoeman moves on to new adventures as Justin Fox takes over as editor of Getaway


Our new editor Justin Fox returns to where he started

Why do we travel? To find ourselves, to lose ourselves, to be reminded of the beauty of this miraculous planet and its people. To experience the world in the fullest way and to embrace difference. At its best, travel can set us free and bring us to our better selves. When I was six years old, my parents took me to Europe. I’ve never quite recovered from that journey. To see the great sights of the continent at such an impression­able age was bound to have serious consequenc­es. The travel bug bit, and bit hard – so much so that my chosen career was travel writer. I joined Getaway as a junior journalist in 1998, replacing the inspiratio­nal Patrick Wagner, who died soon after in a plane crash while on assignment in Kenya. I cut my teeth under successive editors: David Steele, David Bristow, Don Pinnock and Cameron Ewart-Smith. From each, I learnt invaluable lessons about what it takes to steer South Africa’s most treasured travel ship. When Sonya Schoeman became editor in 2014, the publishing industry was in a slump and sales where falling. She steadied the ship and, remarkably, turned sales around in a market where most magazines were on the slide. Much credit must go to her editorial skill over the last four years. We thank her and will miss her dearly. Now it’s my turn at the helm, exactly 20 years since I first joined this company. Over that period I served as photojourn­alist, deputy editor and Getaway Internatio­nal editor, and then spent a few years as a freelancer, roaming widely in Africa and abroad, and writing travel books. But the cycles of life are funny old things. Sometimes they bring you back to the very place you started, as though it were the most natural step in the world. It’s a task of great responsibi­lity filled with much excitement. Getaway is the country’s oldest travel magazine and sets the benchmark. It’s our job to continue bringing the best, affordable, local and internatio­nal travel options and ideas to our readers; to tell inspiring stories packed with useful informatio­n and accompanie­d by worldclass photograph­y. But travel is changing fast and our readers are adventurou­s folk. With the growth of the likes of Airbnb and Uber, bucket-shop airlines and myriad travel apps, podcast guides and smartphone GPS, the ground is moving under our feet. However, amid all the noise and clutter, you still need a reliable voice, a guide who really understand­s travel and is completely trustworth­y. Most travel-informatio­n portals rely on internet research; Getaway still puts boots on the ground and values time in the field above all else. It’s a source you can return to again and again … and depend on. My shelves at home are packed with dozens of old Getaways stretching back to the 1980s. I still read them and marvel at the quality of writing and photograph­y and the in-depth research. That won’t change on my watch. But this is only a custodians­hip. One day I’ll hand the magazine over to another awed, bright-eyed editor. Hopefully it will be in as good shape as Sonya and her excellent team have handed it to me. South Africans are travelling like never before. With Cyril Ramaphosa in charge (check out his ridiculous­ly handsome cattle on page 64), there’s a new confidence in the air. Our economy looks as though it’s turned the corner (hold both thumbs), Zimbabwe is rising from Bob’s ashes and tourism is booming. Getaway is here to serve your travel interests and desires. Talk to us, tell us what you like and don’t like, and what you want more of. Speak to us on Twitter (@ GetawayMag­azine), Facebook (­azine) or email And enjoy this issue,

 ??  ?? On Getaway assignment, Mozambique, 1999
On Getaway assignment, Mozambique, 1999

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