Getaway (South Africa)

Travellers, take note


Brendon Scott, a paramedic in Namibia, sent in these tips:

• If you’re between two far-off places, rescue can take hours. Find out about ambulance services and their range before you leave on your trip. Always carry enough water and a first-aid kit (make it accessible – not at the bottom of the luggage).

• If you’re hospitalis­ed, note that only Namibian medical aids are accepted so your SA medical aid will not be valid. You will have to pay the bill.

• Try to get pre-authorisat­ion from your medical aid with a letter confirming payment and addressed directly to the hospitals in the area you are travelling. The second option is to use travel insurance that covers Namibia, with evacuation back to South Africa if needed. Contact the hospitals in Namibia to see what insurance or letters of surety they accept.

• Always inform your medical aid that you are leaving the country, so that your claim cannot be rejected later on these grounds.

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