Getaway (South Africa)



Me and Shaz left Cape agulhas and scooted east. We stopped at De Mond nature reserve – helluva nice spot on the Heuningnes river with a wooden bridge over the stream. Had a swim.

Then we headed to arniston, where we’re currently hanging out in the campsite. I dig this dorp. Except for the bladdy Southeaste­r, which blows all the time. I’ve been trying to surf but the waves are slap as vinegared chips, so no luck on that front.

nor on the fishing front. I’ve been casting a line on the beach near the Baaken. The feesh ain’t biting. no worries though: each day the locals bring in the catch in their colourful boats, so we’ve been having lekker fish braais most evenings. Chunks of lemon, handful of salt and Bob’s your auntie.

Me and Shaz go exploring the rock pools and coves at low tide. Sea urchins, klipvissie­s, anemones – the whole bang shoot. Like a mini Blue Planet. David attenborou­gh would be going ape. There’s this humongous cave, Waenhuiskr­ans, with waves booming at the entrance. you can scream your lungs out about the all Blacks’ cheating at the breakdown and no one would hear you in there. Except Shaz, who gave me a snotklap.

In the evening we skedaddle to the dunes to toast the sun losing its battle with gravity. Old Brown sherry never tasted so good. Despite the kak surf, arniston has really got something. you Getaway okes should cover it some time – just don’t make it too popular and bugger it up for us chinas in the know.

I think we’ll park off here a bit longer. Catch you on the rebound. dave dingle, kommetJie

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