Getaway (South Africa)

Camping in the Berg


We lived on a farm far away from the hordes for 21 years, so Iʼm sure you can imagine the peace and quiet we took for granted. We now live in an area where we have neighbours much closer, which comes with barking dogs, loud music and other frequencie­s weʼre not accustomed to – so we decided we needed to go away more to find some peace and quiet.

My husband bought an old Forward Control Land Rover that can take us almost anywhere – usually to the Berg or bush, our happy places. Our camper really has brought so much joy. Itʼs not the fastest, prettiest, nor most modern vehicle but itʼs perfect for us, with a five-minute set-up time. Weʼre hoping to visit all the Ezemvelo KZN wildlife campsites. Theyʼre in the most stunning locations, with views that leave you in awe of Godʼs creation.

Weʼve noticed the Ezemvelo parksʼ facilities are a bit run down but you can see the beauty of these places. You also realise that the campsites allow for so many more people to enjoy the beauty of the Berg. Weʼve visited Highmoor, Hermits Wood, Cobham, Royal Natal, Wagendrift and, our new favourite, Monks Cowl.

I could say something uniquely wonderful about each of these places.

We love the calming surroundin­gs and just soak in the beauty of the magnificen­t mountains.

The hikes are something out of this world, too. All in all, these places really do highlight my weekends and are memories that will shine for a lifetime. And the best part is, almost anyone with a keen eye for camping and a love of South Africaʼs landscapes can share in this truly lovely experience.

Charmaine Blyth Howick

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