Glamour (South Africa)

“The women who made me”

Hollywood’s queen of comedy reveals her seven career heroines.

- By Rebel Wilson

Amy Poehler Comedy writer, producer and actress

When I first came to the US, I was no one, yet Amy sat down and gave me advice. She said, “No matter how funny you are, if you want the right roles, you have to write and develop them yourself. Otherwise, you’ll be the ‘funny friend’ or ‘silly sister’ for the rest of your career.” It was great advice.

KAY KAY Cannon Cannon Writer of Pitch Pitch Perfect Perfect

In Pitch Perfect, Kay has written 10 brilliant female roles, and they’ve inspired and given opportunit­ies to young comic actresses. The new wave of female comedy is partly thanks to excellent Hollywood writers like Kay.

mrs Bowmaker High school drama teacher

I was socially awkward and super shy in high school, but Mrs Bowmaker encouraged me to enter Tournament of Minds [a creative competitio­n in Australia], featuring segments like improvisin­g. I came out of my shell, and if it weren’t for her, I don’t think I’d be where I am.

jennifer saunders Comedy writer and actress

I cried when I met Jennifer last year – that’s how big a fan I am. I emailed her afterwards and wrote, “I would love to work with you if the opportunit­y ever came up.” Then I got the phone call to make a cameo in Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie. I’m delighted!

Bette midler Singer and actress

I first met her two years ago in New York, backstage at a Broadway show she was starring in. We chatted for 45 minutes about singing and my career, and she shared stories of struggling in her own career. Bette is an utterly inspiring woman.

Anna Kendrick Actress and co-star

I am so lucky that I got to do all of the scenes with Anna for Pitch Perfect. I’m so lucky to call her a friend both in and out of work. And she’s just as funny in real life!

oprah winfrey Chat-show host and owner of the OWN TV network

After I caught malaria during a gap year in Africa, I was so ill I hallucinat­ed that I was an actress. Afterwards, I watched Oprah every day and she said, “If something keeps telling you to do something, you must do it.” I took that as a sign that I was going to be an actress. No one thought that would be a career path for me but, guess what: it worked out!

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