Glamour (South Africa)

My favourite room

Designer Michael Chandler invites us into his magical bedroom.


Cape Town’s Chandler House gallery and store is a treasure trove of stunning art, whimsical ceramics, fascinatin­g antiques and fabulous homeware. So it makes sense that its founder – art-history graduate, curator and collector Michael Chandler – should surround himself with truly wonderful pieces in his private life, too.

This unique bedroom, at his home in Rondebosch, showcases his love for textures and textiles, starting with the hand-embroidere­d Suzani throw and wall hanging, bought at the Bukhara to Cape Town store. “Their colours bring the room together beautifull­y,” he says.

His own work as well as his personal collection­s reflect his passion for the Mother City, from the decorative blue and white ceramics to pieces by rising stars of the contempora­ry art world.

“I got the big vase on the bedside table from Noordhoek Manor, and it’s from the 1660s, when the Cape was establishe­d. It was broken somewhere in its history and has been repaired with staples – an old-fashioned way of fixing ceramics,” he says. “The painting above the bed is by Jordan Sweke. I saw it at the Michaelis School of Fine Art graduation show – a great place to discover new talent and well-priced art. I knew where I’d hang it straight away.”

And the striking round mirror? “It’s called a Kraak Mirror and is influenced by a Japanese-style ceramic that was exported to Europe via the Cape in the 17th century. Curiously, the vase that I mentioned before is in the same style as the plate, which inspired the mirror. It’s all connected!” Michael explains.

“Surround yourself with things that you love,” is his decor advice. “If that’s the common denominato­r, then it all comes together.”


Pro surfer Nancy Adams (Blake Lively) faces off against a great white shark after being stranded on a rock only 150m from shore. The resulting action will take a minor suspension of disbelief (or some major belief) in the grudge-holding capabiliti­es of sharks, but it’s still an adequate thriller with plenty of panic-inducing scenes and tension.

by Jane Green (Pan Macmillan; R286)

When 27-year-old Cat leaves London for the US in search of her long-lost father, the family reunion goes better than expected – until her flaws trip her up and she loses the trust of the people she most needs to impress. Fast forward 16 years, and Cat wants to make amends. But as she prepares for confrontat­ion, she discovers unexpected truths about those around her and underestim­ates their need for revenge.

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