Glamour (South Africa)


A sleep expert helps you make it through the day.


Perhaps you stayed out too late on a work night, or you succumbed to

‘play next episode’ too many times. Maybe you actually went to bed early, put your phone on sleep mode and made sure your bedroom was cool and lights were off but still couldn’t nod off (or woke up puzzled and annoyed a few hours later).

No matter the reason(s), a restless night can make getting through the next day seem Herculean. That’s why we asked Dr Fiona Barwick, Director of the Sleep and Circadian Health Program at Stanford University in the US exactly what to do when you didn’t get enough sleep last night.

01 Resist the urge to sleep in too late

Making up for your restless night by pushing your alarm back a few hours may seem like a good idea in the dizzy moment, but sleeping in – more than an hour past your usual wake-up time – throws off your circadian rhythms, including your sleep-wake cycle, says Dr Barwick.

“Circadian rhythms are biological rhythms that fluctuate across the 24hour day and that regulate most of our physiology and behaviour, including when we feel sleepy or alert. Sticking to a consistent morning rise time is one of the best ways to keep your sleep-wake rhythm on track,” she explains, which will help ensure your sleepless night doesn’t become a pattern.

02 Get lots of sun, and take short walks and (maybe) naps

Getting sunlight after you wake up can help ensure your brain doesn’t feel like it’s still under the covers as you move about your day. “We often feel groggy in the morning, as melatonin, our main sleep-inducing hormone, slowly leaves our system. Daylight boosts dopamine, which helps to suppress melatonin, getting it out of our system more quickly, so we feel alert sooner.” If you can go for a stroll in the daylight, even better: “physical activity also boosts dopamine, so taking a short walk outside, even just five minutes will help dispel morning grogginess and increase alertness as well.”

Napping in the afternoon can also give you an energy boost, but only if it’s limited to 15 to 30 minutes and no longer, says Dr Barwick.

03 Try to go to bed a little earlier the next night – and maybe the one after that too.

“We can’t make up for all of the sleep loss from a restless night, but research shows sleeping a little longer the following one to two nights can help us recover faster.” In other words, one night of bad sleep – while not ideal – isn’t the end of the world, despite the zombie vibes.

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