Go! Drive & Camp

Crime scene in the campsite

- DERICK HUYSAMEN Durbanvill­e

We are pensioners and fortunate enough to be able to camp in the middle of the week when it is quiet and peaceful. We recently returned to a wonderful farm campsite where we’ve camped before. It’s safe as each site has a large and private section. The stands are also about 400 m apart and the nearest town is 8 km away. LEFT: Roelof and Alta Loots, and Estha and Derick Huysamen On the first day – after pitching camp and showering – we relaxed under the shade trees. Our friends Roelof and Alta Loots had joined us and our two caravans could fit side by side on the stand. We’re avid card players and played bridge later that afternoon. We were sitting behind our friends’ caravan so we couldn’t see our own. I had to fetch something in ours, and saw my camera wasn’t where I left it. Then I also noticed that two lenses, a watch and my wife Estha’s cellphone had also been taken. It’s almost inconceiva­ble that someone would take something from our caravan while we’re not that far away. But it happened and our loss after the insurance paid out was a hefty R15 000. So, based on our experience, I want to say the following to fellow campers: campsites aren’t necessaril­y safe, and campers can be a soft target. Plus, make sure your camping gear and caravan content is sufficient­ly insured.

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