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Cherish all moments in life, and especially with those you love

We can t control what happens, but can choose our attitude ’

- Roy Hewett

Maturity and particular­ly the golden

years in the lives of humans are very

often characteri­sed by much contemplat­ion about life and recalling experience­s from the past.

We are clearly a function of those experience­s and memories to a greater or lesser extent.

While we do not have total control over what happens in our lives, how we react to people and handle events will almost invariably determine how significan­t those experience­s will be in our memories.

In a word, it s all about attitude.

It is no surprise that much appears in literature about life regarding moments

to cherish ”.

Concerning friendship, Amy Lee Mercree says: Forever friends are a

treasure chest of understand­ing and compassion. Cherish them.”

A somewhat bigger picture view on


life, incorporat­ing the myriad experience­s and encounters we have, is reflected on by Nyki Mack: Always take

time to cherish every single moment you get, and always take a second to remind yourself how special that moment truly is and just how lucky you are to have it ... Remember that there is someone somewhere wishing it was their moment.”

The message in that view contains a sobering reminder that we should not take anything for granted, that we should appreciate all experience­s, encounters and the memories that they make.

Of course, not all experience­s are always ideal or pleasant.

However, unpleasant moments also have a role to play.

For most of us, life seems to groom us to be gregarious, to generally seek the company of others and to thrive on being active and involved as much as possible.

But is there not more to what could constitute a broader range of moments

to cherish ”?

Eve Ensler proposes the merits of solitude on occasion: Cherish your

solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars.

Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go

so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don t

want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees.

Decide whether you want to be

liked or admired.

Decide if fitting in is more important

than finding out what you re doing here.

Believe in kissing.”

Then there is the question of love, which the Bible tells us is greater than both faith and hope, and is therefore the foundation on which all good things are built. It follows that moments to cherish would of necessity strongly incorporat­e love at many different levels.

Two powerful quotes underline this train of thought:

Cherish every moment with those

you love at every stage of your journey.” - Jack Layton

To love is to accept a soul entirely,

not wishing that the person was otherwise, nor hoping for change, nor clinging to some ideal past. To love is to cherish the individual standing before you presently - charms, quirks, and all. To love is to give someone a piece of your heart that you will never, ever reclaim.” - Richelle E Goodrich

We are all afforded this one life, and we would be well advised to cherish the moments.

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