go! Platteland

Orange beer


You need

• 1,5ℓ water • 1₁⁄₃ cups (330ml) white sugar • zest of 3 oranges • juice of 5 oranges – strained • 1 cup (250ml) strained ginger starter (see the recipe on the previous page)

This is how

Heat the water, sugar and orange zest gently until the sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool for 10 minutes, stir in the orange juice and leave to cool down to room temperatur­e. Strain the liquid as described in the berry beer recipe opposite and follow the same instructio­ns, using the orange liquid as the base.

‘Love is the juice in the orange. Don’t focus on the turtle part of the orange, the orange shell, but focus on what’s inside, and then squeeze the hell out of it.’ – Jarod Kintz

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