go! Platteland

Berry beer


You need

• 1,5ℓ water • 400g berries, washed – I used a mixture of strawberri­es, blueberrie­s and blackberri­es • 1₁⁄₃ cups (330ml) white sugar • 1 cup (250ml) strained ginger-starter

liquid (recipe on page 113)

This is how

Heat the water, berries and sugar gently in a heavy-based pot until the sugar has dissolved and the berries are soft. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.

Strain the berry liquid through a strainer lined with cheeseclot­h (the cheeseclot­h will catch any small bits of berry) and pour the strained liquid into a large glass jar.

Add the strained ginger-starter liquid to the berry liquid, and give it a gentle stir with a wooden skewer.

Cover the bottle loosely with a clean cheeseclot­h and keep in a cool, dark place for 2 days. By the second day you should see tiny bubbles develop. Taste your berry brew – it should be slightly fizzy and quite sweet.

Bottle your berry beer in sterilised bottles fitted with airtight caps. Transfer the bottled beer to the fridge for the last stage of fermentati­on. Drink within 24-36 hours of refrigerat­ion.

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