go! Platteland

Unbaked avocado fridge tart


Serves 6-8 Preparatio­n time 30 minutes plus setting time

Once you’ve tasted this “cheesecake” you’ll want to make it again and again. You can replace the lime with a half-cup (125ml) lemon juice and the finely grated zest of one lemon. For variation, grate a layer of dark chocolate over the top once the tart has set.

You need

• 1½ cups (375ml) cream • ¾ cup (180ml) sugar • 1½ avocados • 170g cream cheese • juice and finely grated zest of 4 limes • a pinch of salt

FOR THE CRUST • 1½ cups (375ml) biscuit crumbs

(use choc-chip biscuits, preferably) Heat the cream and sugar together and stir until the sugar has dissolved – the mixture mustn’t boil. Remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperatur­e before refrigerat­ing to chill completely.

Line the bottom of a 20cm springform cake tin with baking paper. Pulse the biscuits to a fine crumb in a food processor. Add the sugar and butter, and pulse until combined. Press into the bottom and sides of the tin to form a 5mm crust. Place in the freezer.

Pulse the avocado, cream cheese, lime juice and half the lime zest in a food processor until smooth. Stir in the cold cream mixture.

Pour the filling into the frozen crust and place in the freezer for 2 hours or in the fridge overnight before serving. Garnish the fridge tart with the remaining lime zest before serving.

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