


If you don’t have an alarm system, consider installing one. It will not only give you peace of mind when you’re away, but if your security company (like Fidelity ADT) includes a panic button, you’ll also feel safer when you’re home alone. A CCTV system like one from Provision ISR might be expensive, but it’s a once-off purchase with no subscripti­on fees. Once you’ve installed the cameras, you can keep an eye on things back home using an app on your cellphone. Combine it with an alarm system like the ones offered by ADT so that an officer will respond when the alarm goes off. If you have an alarm system, have it serviced every six months to make sure it’s in working order. Test your alarm by phoning the security control room in the month prior to your holiday. Let your security company and neighbourh­ood watch control room know about your holiday at least two weeks in advance. Arrange for someone to empty your post box regularly. Nothing advertises the fact that you’re away like a heap of mail at your door. When you buy new things, remember to discreetly dispose of the empty boxes. Criminals will sift through your rubbish to find out if you have a new TV, PlayStatio­n or camera in the house. Ask a friend or neighbour to keep

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