


Nikon Z 6II Nikon Z 24 – 200 mm lens

NAZREEN WRITES: I took this photo early one morning in the Namib-Naukluft National Park in Namibia. I was on an organised photograph­ic tour – we started our day at Dead Vlei to photograph the famous petrified camel thorn trees. Just then, a family of gemsbok walked onto the pan and started climbing the adjacent dune.

I pressed the shutter button just as one gemsbok reached the crest. The morning light was still coming over the dune, making for this abstract silhouette.

My camera settings: shutter speed 1/1 000 second, aperture f6.3 and ISO 200.

TOAST SAYS: Dead Vlei (next to Sossusvlei) is one of Namibia’s most famous destinatio­ns because of the dead trees that create otherworld­ly photo opportunit­ies.

The great thing about the trees is that they’re always there, rooted to the spot, so to speak…

Gemsbok are different – they move around and they’re actually seldom seen at Dead Vlei. To capture a gemsbok on a dune is a classic Namib shot, but it’s not easy! There’s some luck involved because your timing has to be right, but you must also be ready when the moment arrives.

Nazreen’s graphic shot hits the mark. When going for an animal silhouette, you ideally want to see all the limbs and other identifyin­g features clearly, because it makes recognisin­g the animal easy and obvious. With those horns, this is unmistakab­ly a gemsbok.

I love the diagonal line of the dune crest, which strengthen­s the compositio­n. The hoof in mid-air adds some extra sprinkles. Great job, Nazreen!

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