GQ (South Africa)

Virtual actuary takes off

Virtual Actuary is disrupting the industry with an innovative remunerati­on business model

- – Shannon Manuel

Since its formation in 2017, Virtual Actuary has been making waves with its new business approach known as “Organised Collaborat­ive”, which allows employees to work together and share in over 82% of the company’s earnings – unheard of within the actuarial industry.

Organised Collaborat­ive can be utilised across many industries, and a strong focus of founder

Adi Kaimowitz is encouragin­g members to break away from their present position in the corporate world where employees don’t share in the major part of the business’s revenue or profit. “Our business model is the most disruptive thing to happen to the corporate world in the last 50 years. With the affordabil­ity of computers, mobile devices and cloud computing, anyone can work as part of a collaborat­ive and be more efficient than a big corporate with lots of outdated managers who’re just sticking around slowing everybody down,” says Kaimowitz.

Having worked as an actuary recruiter for 10 years, Kaimowitz gained great insights that assisted the creation of Virtual Actuary and its new-thinking business model. First, that the majority of other consultanc­y’s fees go to the business itself and second, that there was a lot of misuse in the corporate world. “The answer to rectifying all of this is embracing technology as a pillar of our business and allowing remote work be the norm. As a techempowe­red organisati­on, we chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) as our cloud partner, which allows us to interact with our clients’ data in a secure way without having to buy a R5-million server. As a start-up, it means we can compete with the leading corporatio­ns who until now were the only ones able to offer such a service.”

Elaboratin­g on the Organised Collaborat­ive, Kaimowitz explains that everybody works full-time and nobody is on a fixed salary. When the clients pay at the end of each month, the company splits the fee amongst those who worked on a specific client – not equally, but instead weighted on who did what. The company is only privy to a small percent of what the clients pay, with the bulk going to the pros. “Each senior actuary then nurtures two or three junior actuaries that will work underneath them and allow the senior profession­al to pick up on more work and build up their portfolio of clients. Everyone wins. Senior actuaries can make five times more than if they were working independen­tly. Juniors could never get work if it wasn’t for the senior experience­d actuary. The actuary can leverage their time to scale themselves up. With our nurturing process, the experts become partners of their own pipeline as it advances,” says Kaimowitz.

The remunerati­on model has proven fruitful, allowing Virtual Actuary to enter a market as an actuarial consulting firm which has formerly been controlled by the Big Four well known consultanc­ies. “Not only have we been recognised by the market as equals to the Big Four, but we’re also receiving large portions of work which, in the past, would never have gone to a new player in the market. We’ve recently opened an office in the US and are entering that market and competing against the biggest consultanc­ies in the world.”

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