GQ (South Africa)

Tech’s new tasklight


Most modern task lamps consist of little more than a power cord, an LED and a few strips of metal. But if anyone's going to over-engineer such a simple object, it's Dyson. With the Lightcycle, the tech company applies the same delightful reinventio­n it brought to fans and vacuum cleaners. The lamp's height and position are easily adjustable: a gentle push with one finger either raises, lowers, extends or pivots its crane-like limbs, which glide quietly on tiny rollers. Adjusting the LED bulb requires even less work — its colour and brightness can be set automatica­lly. Plug your age and current mental mode (Precision, Study or Relax) into the companion app, let it access your location, and the app will command the lamp (via Bluetooth) to pour out a pool of light perfectly ideal for the task at hand. It takes into account the time of day, the natural light in the room and even the speed at which your eyes might fatigue. Store up to 20 profiles in the app and, with one tap, the Lightcycle will know exactly which way to glow.

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