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‘Humble warrior’ will sorely be missed


GRAAFF-REINET - Respected and much-loved Petronela Oosthuizen was recently laid to rest at a packed Migdalor Ministries Church in Kroonvale as the community of Graaff-Reinet and people from surroundin­g areas flogged to the church to pay their last respects. Oosthuizen had worked at the Eastern Cape Provincial Parliament­ary Constituen­cy Office in Graaff-Reinet as an administra­tor for 18 years.

Oosthuizen was described as a strong woman, a humble soldier and a freedom fighter for her community. It was also said that she was a selfless leader who would always advise and help others.

Mncedi Mali, on behalf of the Sarah Baartman ANC Regional leadership, said that it was an honour to pay tribute to her.

"Petronella had years of administra­tion experience and we learned a lot from her. She was working and serving the people without expectatio­ns. She was not a person about positions and undemandin­g - unlike what is killing the ANC today," Mali said.

Oosthuizen got involved in politics in the early 80s and was detained for five months with her mother and younger sister, Simonia, during the first state of emergency in 1985. She returned home stronger and more determined to fight for liberation.

She completed her matric certificat­e at the East Cape Midlands College at the ripe age of 40 after which she also completed her N4 and N5 Certificat­es in Human Resources Management. Oosthuizen enrolled for the N6 certificat­e of which she passed 3 subjects and was still planning to complete the outstandin­g Labour Relations N6 before the age of 60. True testament of a woman with the spirit of a warrior.

 ?? Photo supplied ?? Petronela Oosthuizen.
Photo supplied Petronela Oosthuizen.

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