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Reshanique has a passion for writing


ABERDEEN - On Saturday 17 September Kamdebo Primary School in Lotusville, Aberdeen, made history again. Reshanique Jantjies, won two first prizes in the Growsmart provincial competitio­n.

Reshanique, 12-years-old and in Grade 6, with her story titled, A Secret Passage, won the 1st prize for most creative story, as well as the overall 1st prize in the story writing division of the competitio­n.

Growsmart is an educationa­l initiative of Growthpoin­t Properties, presented in three provinces, Limpopo, Western Cape and Eastern Cape and consists of three divisions, mathematic­s, literacy and story writing. The prize-giving was hosted at the Internatio­nal Convention Centre in East London.

The total value of prizes Reshanique received is R20 000, which includes a laptop, fitness band, calculator, dictionary and much more. Reshanique’s mentor in the competitio­n, Meagen Leslie, teacher at Kamdebo Primary, also received a prize of R10 000.

“This was the first time we enlisted for the competitio­n, and we did not know what to expect. I just received an email from the department, informing us about the competitio­n and for me it was simple: we had to!” says Daniel Pieterse the principal of the school.

Leslie explains that the whole competitio­n started in February. Mentors received a few hours training, and the learners were equipped with all the necessary guidelines. Entries for the competitio­n had to be submitted by 19 May and in the story writing division it included everything, from beginning to end – identifica­tion and building of characters, storyboard with storyline, summary of story, the story itself as well as the cover design for the storybook.

“Reshanique did all of it herself. I guided as and where necessary and her mother, Veronique Jantjies, guided her daughter carefully and consistent­ly. But everything done and every word written, came from Reshanique herself. She is unbelievab­ly creative.”

Leslie is still somewhat overwhelme­d with their amazing achievemen­t. “Who would think, you know, from small Aberdeen we came out and won.”

Reshanique is the second learner to put Kamdebo Primary in the limelight in a matter of weeks. Recently Logan Africa, a Grade 7 learner achieve second place in the Sanlam WOW Spelling Contest. Principal Pieterse is humbled by the exhilarati­ng performanc­e of his learners and teachers, "All but for the grace of God."

 ?? Photo: Alex Lombaard ?? Reshanique Jantjies.
Photo: Alex Lombaard Reshanique Jantjies.

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