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To our Mother in Heaven - Broken Soul


In loving memories of Vuyelwa Zenani. We still can’t believe that you left us with broken souls.

Our world fell apart when you died. The world shifted while I, Lisakhanya, made peanut brittle in chemistry class the morning you died and I remember how the peanut brittle shards looked in the tin foil. The classroom lights reflecting bright off the tin foil, the peanut brittle stock on the black square high-top table.

They called me to the office to tell me of your death and you also left me as a deputy parent to my brother Luminathi, sisters Emihle and Imolathile.

Mom, we thank you for teaching us to know right things from wrong, showing us what unconditio­nal love looks like and for always believing in us.

We miss you every single day and we wish you were still here; we can tell you that; mom you are irreplacea­ble. For a child, when a mom dies, her child is no longer whole. The loss makes it hard to breathe. A child flies in the wind like a cottonwood seed, a piece of fluff that gets knocked about the world by the wind - SOMETIMES landing on solid ground, SOMETIMES just landing in a pond and almost drowning, but still surviving.

We, Lisakhanya, Emihle, Luminathi and Imolathile, also thank God that we still have a grandmothe­r, Sylvia Zenani, and a great grandmothe­r, Nancy Matoto, that take care of us. We LOVE them and appreciate what they do for us. Rest in peace Mom, sometimes we wish you could come back but we don’t want you to suffer again. We know you are with us, and we will always love and miss you with all our hearts. Until we meet again.

Your beloved children

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