Grocott's Mail

Correction and apology: Article regarding student sexual assault claim


On 26 August 2016, Grocott’s Mail published an article titled Student in hot water over sexual assault claim.

Unfortunat­ely, various facts, as well as comments from Rhodes University relating to three separate matters concerning Rhodes University students were presented in a way that made it seem they all referred to a single incident. This was done in error and with no malicious intent. Grocott’s Mail would like to correct the following errors:

1. It is not correct that the name of a student found guilty in terms of internal disciplina­ry processes is known to Grocott’s Mail. Only the name of the student who recently made and then withdrew various statements via social media regarding a false allegation of sexual assault is known to Grocott’sMail (and social media audiences). The latter is not the student who was found guilty in terms of the Rhodes University Student Disciplina­ry Code.

2. It is not correct that the student who made and then withdrew the statements on social media referred her case to the police.

It was a separate matter that was referred to the SAPS.

Grocott’s Mail also wishes to clarify that several statements attributed in the article to Rhodes University Communicat­ions Manager Veliswa Mhlope were not made by her personally, but were part of two separate and complete statements compiled by the University’s Communicat­ions and Advancemen­t Division on behalf of the University.

Both statements, which were posted as memoranda on the University’s internal communicat­ions network, are published in full on Page 10 for clarity.

Grocott’sMail sincerely regrets the errors and apologises for any misunderst­andings the article may have caused.

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