Grocott's Mail

The Salt and Light of the World


According to our Lord Jesus Christ, Christians are “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” (Matt 5:13-16).

The purpose of salt is to flavour and preserve food. In the same way, as followers of Jesus Christ, we need to bring a different taste to the world and to penetrate and influence society with the gospel and gospel living. A young salesman was disappoint­ed about losing a big sale; and he lamented: “I guess it just proves you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” The manager replied: “Son, take my advice: Your job is not to make him drink. Your job is to make him thirsty.” Are we making anyone thirsty in our lives to know more about Christ? Is there anybody who is super curious about your life because you showcase Christ?

As the children of God, we are called to reflect Jesus, the light of the world, by the way we live. We do not produce the light, but like the moon that reflects the light of the sun, we too reflect the light of the world, Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us not hide who we are as Christ’s followers. There is nothing embarrassi­ng about Christiani­ty. What happened to us in Christ is a glorious miracle of grace. So let your light shine at work and in the home.

Ultimately, letting our light shine before men is for the glory of God. People will glorify God when they see our good works. That is why we exist and what we live for: “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” May the light of Jesus shine in us and through us.

Pastor Euginio Nel Bowker Street Baptist

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