Grocott's Mail

Zuurberg win for local athlete


Grant Wolff of Albany Saints and Sinners Multi Sports Club was overall winner at the recent Zuurberg Mountain Inn 15km running event.

The race is held at the Zuurberg Mountain Inn, just outside Addo, with athletes following jeep track and single track around the area, with a number of river crossings along the route.

The run was hosted by Port Elizabeth-based running club, Achilles Amateur Athletics As- sociation.

The first half of the event has athletes descending about 400m and it’s then a long 400m climb back to the finish. Wolff was part of the leading pack for much of the first half of the race, until they began the climb. This was when 49-yearold Wolff took the lead, leaving the younger athletes in his dust, including 28-year old Bradley Hyman who finished second. Wolff took race honours in 1:14:38.

Wolff said the Zuurberg run is “one of the nicest runs to be done” adding that the race includes great scenery: “Bit of a hidden jewel as far as trail events go.” This is Wolff’s second Zuurberg, after finishing fourth a few years ago.

Port Alfred’s Rick Betts of Kowie Striders was fourth overall with Nolan Berriman of Grahamstow­n also making the top ten with his eighth placing.

Kerry Longhurst was second woman home in 1:36:52. See results in Know the Score on Page 25.

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