Grocott's Mail

Responding to the Christmas message


On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him: Matthew 2v ll. The announceme­nt of Jesus’s birth in the Gospel accounts was momentous news, for this was not just any baby, but a royal baby. The promised Messiah, come to deliver his people from their slavery and bondage, had been born in David’s royal city. This was the news for which all of Israel had been waiting for hundreds of years: her Saviour had finally come!

But not everybody responded to this news in the same way. Matthew tells us that King Herod was disturbed, and subsequent­ly sought to have the baby exterminat­ed, viewing this future “king” as a threat to his own rule. In much the same way, many today will celebrate Christmas, yet respond to the good news of Jesus’s coming with fear, suspicion and disdain. All of us naturally prefer to be rulers of our own lives and don’t like the thought of another king replacing self upon the throne of our hearts and reigning in our place. This is why so many people reject the good news of Christ’s advent.

Herod’s response is in stark contrast to that of the wise men from the east, who travel all the way from their distant land to bring gifts to the King of the Jews. This was in fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy: “Nations will come to your light and the kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Their response was to acknowledg­e Jesus as King, and recognisin­g his true identity and mission we are told that they bowed down and worshipped Him.

How will you respond to the Christmas message? Will you reject Christ, or will you humble yourself before Him as King and acknowledg­e Him as Lord? Bryan Marx Grahamstow­n Baptist Church

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