Grocott's Mail



This weekend I had the pleasure of sharing a poetry reading with two superb poets in one of South Africa’s truly special places: the Karoo village of Nieu-Bethesda nestling in the shadow of the spectacula­r Compassber­g peak. Grahamstow­n’s Dan Wylie and visiting Canadian poet Emily McGiffin helped make our appearance at Dustcovers Bookshop in the village a true delight.

We hadn’t prepared a theme for the reading but our shared interest in the environmen­t, combined with a magnificen­tly unspoiled setting, contrived somehow to connect the poems. Although they were all very different in style, voice and content, something natural seemed to breathe through the evening – and it worked.

Dan read a selection of poetry from his own collection­s but began the evening fittingly by paying homage to his friend, teacher and mentor, the late Don Maclennan, with whom Dan spent many hours climbing mountains, including Don’s favourite – Compassber­g. In beautifull­y and typically condensed language, Maclennan pares away the trivial, overblown and gratuitous aspects of human existence (exemplifie­d by “hate and politics”) to reveal its essential core: acknowledg­ement and restitutio­n of “the world / in all its wonder”. Dan only read the first part of this lovely poem, but here it is in full:

Under Compassber­g


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