Grocott's Mail



all to this week’s Thetha Uvakale ( speak and be heard). We welcome you all in today’s edition. You must know by now that this space is owned by our youth as they have a lot to say but just need a space to speak and be heard, well, this is the space for that.

Today we have a story written by a young man named Sethu Booi. Sethu was teased by his friend for something that he is not, and they actually had an argument about it, to the extent that it ruined their friendship. Sethu decided to write something about that experience and we as the Upstart group were impressed. The title in particular captured our attention, it states “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?”

On our second story we meet Yamkela Ntsoko who’s telling us about the struggles of being left by her father and that being strong was the only option for her but now she’s over that. She actually realised that there’s more to life than crying over people who walked out of our lives. Our third story is written by Chealsea Moses who’s telling us the dangers of Peer Pressure and how easily it is to destroy your life because of it. Chealsea shares with us how teenagers always think they know better than the adults but find out at the end that actually they don’t know a thing, that they still need guidance from the old ones, as they say, there is time for everything. Our Makana Star this week is Asemahle Mbangi. She is sharing with us the importance of education as we have in our last editions.

Read, weep and enjoy! Yonwabelan­i !!!!!

And yes, in a world of cellphones and apps, developing the habit of reading and writing is vital to our youth. Ukufunda! UpstartYou­th/

Email: upstartyou­th3@gmail. com. WhatsApp: 0799290296

Visit our office at Joza Youth Hub, in Joza, opposite the Post Office

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