Home Quick Food



The internet has many versions of this impressive dish – with everything from lentil stew to bacon and eggs rolled up in the crispy potato layer. Our version was inspired by the original Tasty.co video. (See step-by-step photos on page 61.)

Makes 6 slices • Preparatio­n: 50 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes • Oven temperatur­e: 180°C

• olive oil for greasing and shallow-frying

• about 200ml grated Parmesan

• 6 potatoes, peeled and cut into 2mm-thick slices

• 15ml olive oil

• 1 small onion, chopped

• 500g mincemeat

• 5ml BBQ spice (choose your favourite)

• 1 tin (400g) chopped tomatoes

• a large handful of baby spinach, blanched

• 300g ricotta

• cayenne pepper, fresh fennel fronds and lemon zest, to taste

• 2 brinjals, sliced and char-grilled

• a sprinkling of chopped parsley

• about 9 slices mozzarella

1 Preheat the oven. Line a rectangula­r baking tray (about

29 x 34cm) with baking paper and grease with a little olive oil. Sprinkle a layer of Parmesan over the surface and arrange the potato slices in rows so that they overlap slightly and form a scallop pattern. Sprinkle a little more Parmesan over, season with a pinch of salt and bake for 30 minutes until golden-brown and cooked through.

2 Heat a splash of olive oil and sauté the onion until translucen­t.

Add the mincemeat and fry until done. Season to taste with salt and pepper or use your favourite BBQ spice mix; we like smokey chipotle for a bit of bite. Stir in the tomatoes and simmer until reduced and fairly dry. Allow to cool.

3 As soon as the potato layer comes out of the oven, arrange the blanched spinach on top. Season the ricotta to taste with salt and cayenne pepper, fresh fennel fronds and lemon zest, and spoon over the spinach in a single layer.

4 Arrange the brinjal on top. (This is not in the original recipe, but I love the flavour combinatio­n; it also gives the dish body.)

5 Spoon the cooked mince on top of the brinjal and sprinkle with the parsley. (I leave a 4cm border open at the top as it makes the rolling-up process easier.)

6 Finally, place the slices of mozzarella in a single layer on top of the mince. (You can also use grated cheese, if preferred.)

7 Now, with the help of the baking paper, roll up the layers, starting from the side where the 4cm border has been left. Work slowly and carefully. Finish with the seam side down. Bake your masterpiec­e for a final 15 minutes, or until heated through and the cheese has melted. Serve in thick slices.

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