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My Spanish version of an Italian Bolognese is just as versatile as the well-known sauce.

Serves 8

Preparatio­n: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 1 hour and 30 minutes Oven temperatur­e: 180°C

• 8 large potatoes

• 5ml Maldon salt

• 1 large chorizo, thinly sliced

• 500g mince


• 15ml olive oil

• 1 onion, chopped

• 2 garlic cloves, chopped

• 10ml smoked paprika

• 3ml chilli flakes

• 5ml brown sugar

• 3 sprigs thyme

• 1 tin (400g) whole cherry tomatoes

• 15ml sherry vinegar (or red wine vinegar, if preferred)

1 Preheat the oven. Rinse the potatoes and rub them all over with salt while still damp (this ensures that the salt sticks to them).

Prick the potatoes with a fork, place them on a baking tray and bake for about 1–1½ hours or until cooked through and golden-brown. Gently press the potatoes with your thumb and forefinger to test if they are cooked. The potatoes will give way and leave a slight dent if they’re cooked; the skin will also be crispy.

2 Make the sauce Heat the oil in a small saucepan and gently fry the onions over low heat until glossy and slightly caramelise­d. Stir in the garlic, paprika, chilli, brown sugar and thyme and fry for another minute. Stir in the tomatoes. Rinse out the tin with half a cup of water and add this as well. Simmer over low heat until the sauce is thick and glossy (about 15 minutes). Add the vinegar, season with salt and pepper to taste, and purée with a stick blender.

3 Fry the chorizo in a pan until golden-brown and crispy.

Decide whether to add oil or not – it depends on how fatty the sausage is. Add the mince to the pan and fry until golden-brown; break up any lumps continuous­ly with a spatula.

4 Add half of the tomato sauce and simmer for another 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and serve with the baked potatoes and the extra tomato sauce.

TIP Make a ‘self-service’ feast by providing additional toppings such as marinated olives, mature cheese, white beans with olive oil, smoked ham and pickled chillies to enjoy with the bravas mince and potatoes.

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