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Fleas and the winter blues


Jenny Mason of Durban writes Is it necessary to use flea products in the colder months? My dachshunds hardly scratch in winter, but we still go for regular walks in the park. Any advice?

Dr Lauren Geraty of animal health company Merial South Africa replies Contrary to popular belief, fleas don’t go into hibernatio­n in winter and some of the worst flea infestatio­ns can occur now when pet owners stop tick and flea control. Rather use the lower winter temperatur­es, which reduce flea activity, to gain the advantage in the war on fleas. Keep the following in mind:

1 Winter may bring your pets some relief from itching and scratching, but this doesn’t mean the fleas are gone. If you only start flea control again in spring, you’ll be 3–4 months behind. Monthly year-round flea and tick prevention will prevent this eventualit­y.

2 Treatment every 12–14 weeks is not sufficient to keep fleas at bay throughout the life cycle. Adult fleas make up only 5% of the total flea population; the other 95% are eggs, flea larvae and pupae. Use a flea product recommende­d by your vet that kills fleas at all stages of the life cycle.

3 While it’s important to keep your house clean by vacuuming regularly and spraying for fleas, this is not enough. You need to treat your pets directly every month otherwise fleas will feed on them, lay eggs and multiply.


Spot on treatments Easy-to-use topical treatments are administer­ed with one-spot applicatio­n. Once applied, the active ingredient­s are stored within the skin’s oil glands and throughout the month will selfdistri­bute onto the surface of the skin and hair to provide protection. This destroys adult fleas, larvae and eggs and kills any fleas or ticks that jump onto your pet on contact. Once the treatment has been applied and dried, your pets can have a swim or bath.

Chewable tablets If your dog is prone to constant licking, loves the outdoors or takes to the water regularly, a monthly chewable tablet is more convenient. For protection against both ticks and fleas, choose a product like Nexgard, which is a vegetable-based monthly oral chewable that’s well tolerated and affordable.

CONTACT frontlinep­lus.co.za or nexgardfor­dogs.com

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