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Oh, feathers!


Lizette Reynolds of Tzaneen writes I adopted a 10-year-old parrot cock and he has started picking his feathers. I assume he’s stressed as a result of moving home; what to do?

Dr Dorianne Elliott, a member of the South African Veterinary Associatio­n, replies It may be boredom, or too much excitement; not enough vitamins, or too many; separation anxiety or inappropri­ate care while being hand-reared. You name it, it’s been blamed! The first step is to rule out underlying disease as the cause; approximat­ely 50% of cases are found to be due to medical problems. Speak to an avian vet about a physical exam, blood tests and a radiograph. The following may also help: • Increase the humidity in his environmen­t by allowing him into the bathroom when you’re showering, especially during the dry Highveld winters. Also mist-spray daily with decalcifie­d water (ensure that the environmen­t is warm). Misting just before you leave the house will keep him busy for about half an hour and keep stress to a minimum; it will also reduce the allergen load on his feathers. • Dietary deficienci­es could be a factor. I recommend introducin­g a pellet diet supplement­ed with fresh fruit and veg. • Eliminate broad allergic irritants from your home such as cigarette smoke, perfumes, incense and cleaning products, and wash your hands before handling him as oily residue from hand creams, for example, can initiate picking. A kitchen isn’t a suitable environmen­t as aerosolise­d oil droplets and overheated Teflon can be harmful. • Ensure daily access to direct sunlight unfiltered by a glass window (five minutes at least). • Ensure your bird is getting enough sleep: at least 10 hours of darkness per night. Birds often wake up at dawn and will stay up until the entire family has gone to bed if kept in the living room. • Try to ignore picking behaviour (this will prevent reinforcem­ent of the behaviour); rather reward him for alternativ­e behaviours.



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