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Green love


The term ‘biophilia’ was first introduced by the Greek philosophe­r Aristotle as the “love of life or living systems” and used by psychoanal­yst Eric Fromm in 1973 to describe “the love of all that is alive”, so this concept is not new.

Biophilic design integrates cities and urban landscapes with nature by re-foresting to give shade and improve air quality, by incorporat­ing green spaces in the form of large and mini parks beneficial to residents, and with vertical gardens and green rooftops that lower temperatur­es and cool buildings.

Johannesbu­rg is one of 45 cities worldwide to join the World Resources Institute’s ‘Cities4For­ests’ initiative, committed to conserving and restoring their urban forest. There is a serious threat to trees, including Jo’burg’s urban forests which are dying from infestatio­ns of the polyphagou­s (i.e. having many host plants) shot-hole borer from Asia. >>

 ??  ?? Rooftop gardens, such as this one in Stellenbos­ch, add greenery to urban areas.
Rooftop gardens, such as this one in Stellenbos­ch, add greenery to urban areas.
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