Home (South Africa)

Fabulous fronds


The areca or bamboo palm (Dypsis lutescens) is one of the most popular indoor plants, not only for its graceful foliage and ease of care but also for its air-cleaning properties. In NASA’s Clean Air Study, it was found to be one of the best plants for removing substantia­l amounts of benzene, formaldehy­de and trichloroe­thylene from the air. These plants need medium to bright light and can be placed close to windows where they will receive limited, filtered sunlight. Water when the soil starts to feel dry, and don’t let the pot stand in water; rather place the pot on a saucer filled with pebbles so that the water drains through. This improves the humidity which also benefits the plant. Feed with a liquid fertiliser once or twice in spring and summer to keep the leaves green and healthy.

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