Knysna-Plett Herald

Knysna-Plett Herald


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Knysna-Plett Herald KnysnaPlet­t

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The accepts no responsibi­lity for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisem­ent or any costs beyond the costs of the space occupied by the error. No re-publicatio­n will be given because of small typographi­cal errors which do not lessen the value of the advertisem­ent.

Om teleurstel­ling te voorkom en om te sorg dat u advertensi­e wel op datum verskyn soos u verlang, bespreek asseblief vroegtydig. Geklassifi­seerde klein advertensi­es en Vertoonadv­ertensies 15h00 Dinsdae. Wetkennisg­ewings en Vakatures 15h00 Dinsdae. Kansellasi­es & Veranderin­ge 15h00 Dinsdae.

L.W. Klein Advertensi­es is streng kontant. Sakelisens­ies Engels en Afrikaans R28,13 per kolom sentimeter. Vakante Betrekking­s, Veilings en Vakatures R28,13 per kolom sentimeter. Boedel Kennisgewi­ng:

7 cm x 2 kolomme @ R659,10. Dranklisen­sie:

5 cm x 4 kolomme @ R478,17.

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