
Here in the LOSE IT! offices, we’re ready for a bit of summer! A good old South African braai is basically the best way to eat low carb: it doesn’t get much better than loads of leafy, delicious salad with a tasty chop – all in the fresh air, while making sure we get our quota of essential Vitamin D. But coming out of hibernatio­n might mean we’ll need to give ourselves a bit of a pep talk to get back on track… it’s all too easy, in winter, to let the carbs creep back. Knowing what the right thing to do is one thing – sticking to it is another!

So here are three quick tips to keep your heart where your head is, from our favourite primal person, Mark Sisson:

• Invest in your success – spend money on something that motivates you in your new life: a great set of kitchen knives or pots, for instance.

• Cut any negativity off at once – stop giving naysayers or self-sabotaging talk room in your head.

• Affirm your strengths – and then support someone else. List your abilities, values, achievemen­ts and things you’re proud of, then use them to support others on the same journey. And… keep reading LOSE IT! – of course! Speaking of motivation, in the first issue of LOSE IT! we interviewe­d PR man Brian Berkman about his astounding weight loss and journey back to health – he’d lost an amazing 70kg in just 18 months. Three years on, not only has Brian kept all the weight off, but he’s also healthier and fitter than ever, ready to share the tools and tips behind his success. ‘I lost weight, took back my life from the brink of invasive and costly surgery and gave myself the opportunit­y to live free of the constant pain I had told myself was normal,’ he says. ‘I want to motivate others who also feel dissatisfi­ed with their lives and give them those tools, as well as a few easy, yet fabulous recipes with which to entertain friends.’

Book via Quicket (qkt.io/zJ535o) for Brian’s two-hour interactiv­e session at Richard’s Supper Stage & Bistro in Sea Point on Monday, 14 November at 12 noon.

Happy summer to you, and please share any of YOUR tools and tips with us – we love hearing from you! ‘Let’s do this!’ Until next time THE LOSE IT! TEAM


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