
This should be more than enough for 2–4 people.

• 350g Elgin free-range

Kameeldori­ng sausage • 3–4 carrots • 200g punnet Rosa tomatoes • ½ cucumber • 1 avocado • 180g herb salad (I buy this at

Woolies) • 100g feta • pink salt and black pepper • balsamic vinegar, to serve

1. Cook the sausage and let it cool while you prep the other ingredient­s. 2. Wash all the salad ingredient­s, then grate the carrots, halve the tomatoes and slice the cucumber and avo. Divide all the ingredient­s in three to make the layers. 3. Once the sausage is cool, cut it into little slices about 0.5cm thick. 4. Layer the salad, starting with the salad leaves, then the rest of the ingredient­s in any order. I usually do the sausage next, then the cucumber, grated carrot, tomato and avo. I then crush some feta over this and season with pink salt and black pepper. 5. Repeat the layers, sprinkling feta, pink salt and black pepper over each time. 6. Once plated, drizzle some balsamic vinegar on top, and enjoy!

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