10 Questions for Merle


1. What has been the most challengin­g aspect of going LCHF? Losing weight! I know the theory; I’ve studied the science. Luckily, I had access to the top experts in the field to help me figure out that it was because of an undiagnose­d thyroid condition. It was only undiagnose­d because no one had done the right blood tests. The key to Banting successful­ly is to adjust the diet if you have health issues. For example, I don’t eat Orange List fruits, but I do eat Orange List vegetables. Most people think you have to keep your carb intake incredibly low, but that can actually be adjusted.

2. What has your support system been like? As a Banting coach, my support system includes top Banting experts.

3. Are you ever tempted to cheat? Never, and I think it comes down to understand­ing the diet. I know what it does for my body, so I don’t see any reason to cheat.

4. What has been the biggest highlight? Definitely helping others.

5. How has your overall health improved? I used to be so tired during the day that I had to nap between clients, but that has changed with the medication. Since I started Banting, all my eczema is gone. Gluten was the biggest trigger. And, because I’ve added good carbs, I’m stronger. I’ve always worked out but I didn’t have much physical strength. Now I can lift much heavier weights than when I was eating very low carb.

6. How did you deal with negative comments on your progress? People would say, ‘You’re supposed to know it all. You work with Sally-Ann and you’re still not losing weight!’. I really battled with that, because they didn’t understand that what works for you doesn’t necessaril­y work for me. But when I went for my check-up last year my doctor weighed me and was amazed at the weight I’d lost compared to the previous year.

7. How has understand­ing the science helped your progress? When you don’t understand the science, you won’t follow the diet as you should. You might think, ‘Oh, I’ll just have LOSE IT! Volume 24 one slice of bread today’, but it takes weeks for the effect of that bread to work itself out of your body.

8. Have you converted any other family members and friends? Definitely; our entire household is lowcarb. My husband and I started doing low-carb together, and my son, who is 13 years old, also eats low-carb. He is a lifesaver, so obviously he eats a lot more protein than I do.

9. Do you drink? If so, how often? I do drink occasional­ly, but it’s never been something I’d do every night. If I go to book club with the girls, I’ll have a glass of wine or champagne. So I’m not going to give up drinking completely, but I do restrict how much I drink.

10. Advice for would-be LCHF-ers? Understand the diet. Get any health issues you may have diagnosed, and adjust your diet accordingl­y – don’t just give up if it doesn’t work for you straightaw­ay. You will reap the benefits in the end.

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