Mail & Guardian

Daggers in the cloakroom of power

A parliament­ary staffer says she will resist being grilled by spooks to assess her security risk

- Moira Levy

Since Parliament announced its plans to revet all employees, media releases have announced that there have been no complaints from staff. Not so. There are a lot of unhappy people employed by Parliament, going off for fingerprin­ting and labouring to finish their confidenti­al security forms in time.

For the record, there are complaints from staff. Or at least one. I have written to my manager, recording a complaint and explaining why I was not going to take part in Parliament’s re-vetting process. This was after spending the weekend poring over my security clearance form.

I had my four months worth of bank statements and the passport photo to append, and had phoned five increasing­ly disbelievi­ng friends (friends, not relatives, as the form explicitly stated) for their ID numbers, laboriousl­y explaining that they may be contacted by members of the State Security Agency (SSA) — what we used to call Boss.

I had filled in the names, identity numbers, addresses and so on of my spouse, my children and my living relatives when I stopped to ask myself: What exactly was I doing?

We had been told that next would come a one-on-one interview with a security agent. A polygraph would be required. In short, we had been told by the SSA that we’d be seeing a lot of them in the weeks to come.

Why? All they could offer as an answer was that the secretary to Parliament, Gengezi Mgidlana, had asked the SSA to re-vet all parliament­ary staff and put all its other work on hold for this priority project.

I explained to my boss that the increased role of the security forces in our country was bothering me. It didn’t fit in with a transparen­t, accountabl­e and credible Parliament and, honestly, I thought all this talk of a security threat posed by unnamed foreign states was a load of nonsense. A free press, an active and organised civil society and a few other basic rights come with a democracy.

If I thought our beloved country really faced a security threat, I hope I would do whatever was required to defend it. But I suspected the threat was one being experience­d by the ruling party as its support steadily declines. For myself, I was employed t o s e r v e P a r l i a me n t , n o t the ruling party.

Oh, and I added that I didn’t like the way my human rights were being violated. Too many people had paid too high a price in the struggle to get rid of apartheid to go back there.

I had felt even more uncomforta­ble when the SSA requested staff at the introducto­ry briefing to remove the batteries from their cellphones before the process of introducin­g vetting could get under way.

All Parliament’s employees are subjected to a security check when they are appointed. That makes perfect sense. It is an agency of the state. But then no one who had not passed would have been at the briefing.

As a content manager in the Parliament­ary Communicat­ion Service, I was quite sure that no confidenti­al material would be allowed anywhere near me. Anyway, my job is to inform citizens about what their Parliament is doing, not keep that informatio­n from them.

The first briefing started off innocuousl­y, with staff being advised to keep their desks clear of papers and store all documents under lock and key. All pretty straightfo­rward stuff.

The pace picked up with a presentati­on about the threat of global cyberterro­rism. Staff were reminded that over-the-counter gizmos could intercept any private conversati­on. So far, so good. Former CIA employee Edward Snowden had already told us more.

But then it moved on to a slide show demonstrat­ing the dangers of foreign security agents and their recruitmen­t methods. The danger, we were told, lies mainly in social media. Staffers were reminded that working for Parliament made them perfect targets.

There were a few mutterings about constituti­onal rights, but maybe staff members were expected to be willing to set aside some old-fashioned freedoms for the sake of the security of our democratic Parliament.

There were lengthy question-andanswer sessions in the programme. What if Parliament considers one’s friends unsavoury or our finances precarious?

The issue of dual citizenshi­p did bring a collective frown to the faces on the panel. Clearly, dual citizens could have confused loyalties.

“How many hackers are hacking as we speak?” was a presumably rhetorical question. Right now someone could be hacking into our documents from Canada. Canada? Why would anyone in Canada’s security agency be interested in an average, mid-level parliament­ary staffer like me?

Okay, perhaps not Canada then. Maybe a foreign security service that we haven’t even discovered yet, we were told.

Surely anyone serious about penetratin­g South Africa’s Parliament would know who is likely to have access to sensitive informatio­n. Shouldn’t the SSA be applying their securo-minds to coding informatio­n so it is not so easily penetrable by amateur sleuths?

The dangers of fraternisi­ng with “unknown” individual­s were raised. They could be used to get close to unsuspecti­ng bearers of inside informatio­n. But this did not seem to alarm parliament­ary staff unduly. Individual­s known to go through partners rapidly were considered more of a health than a security risk.

Parliament employs more than 1 500 people. Our intrepid state security forces had already thought ahead. Staff were told that the SSA had received assurances that the police and, if necessary, the military could be called in “to ensure state interests were protected”.

Staff would be told if they had passed. If they were unhappy with the results of their security check, they could appeal to the minister and try again, although it was not specified how security genies, once released, could then be recorked.

What if they got it wrong? To minimise the possibilit­y of error, a 360° assessment was promised. Our friends may be interviewe­d, but we were sternly told not to brief them. Individual sessions with SSA staff would follow, and a polygraph test.

Assurances were given that all vetting would be done strictly within the law, but the confidenti­al Z204 security clearance form looked alarming.

Employees were reminded to submit their matric certificat­es. Too many people are getting away with bogus matrics these days.

Question 10: Have you had contact or suspected contact with foreign intelligen­ce services? Own up, those old enough to have once made contact with the then banned ANC.

But the panellists seemed at pains to put staff at ease. We were reminded that we live in a democracy now, and as long as we do not present a national security risk, we were fine.

The SSA would be moving into Parliament. They had already secured office space. To make the process easier, an officer would be on site to start fingerprin­ting. Staff did not even have to make a detour to their local police station.

That was well received. After all, no one who works at Parliament should have to risk encounteri­ng a criminal. They tend to place security in our country at risk.

 ?? Photo: David Harrison ?? ‘Violation’: The State Security Agency, headed by Minister David Mahlobo, wants to give parliament­ary staff polygraph tests.
Photo: David Harrison ‘Violation’: The State Security Agency, headed by Minister David Mahlobo, wants to give parliament­ary staff polygraph tests.

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